Ça sera plaisant de revoir mes amies!
Ça fait un bout de temps que je ne me suis pas mêlée à ces ventes organisées. Il faut que je me déleste des nombreuses pièces que j'ai encore. Et comme je ne porte pas de bijoux...ben ça s'accumule!!!
Alors venez vous joindre à nous!
This Saturday i will take part at this event in the basement of the St-Michel church. All doors will be open for the flow of people!!!!
It has been a while since my last show. it will be fun to meet my friends again. I do have to get red of some of my stock....Since I do not wear jewelry...well it is acumulating!!!!
So come and join us!
2 commentaires:
I've never done a craft show - think it might be quite stressful to organise around my little people. ;o) Have a great day on Saturday! :o)
Well then you have to hand the little people to the father!!!!!Hahahaha!
I am only participating to this craft show!!! But i do have to organise to pack lite since i will get there on my bike!
One thing you could do is make a show in your home noon to 5pm on a Sunday! and find another artist or 2 that would join you! So it brings other crowd to visit.
I have done it with my cousin who paints on glass and found out that one afternoon is enough, we have done 2 days and the Saturday was a flop. Stick to one afternoon is the best i think. And i did sell well!
thank yo for writing Gina!
bonne journée
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