Une fois l'idée trouvée, je ne suis pas certaine de sa valeur alors je la laisse tomber. Je devrais m'efforcer de continuer mais pas toujours facile. Par moment, je manque de volonté et à d'autres de confiance.
Et je trouve que sur Etsy on trouve vraiment de belles idées...en même temps ça m'encourage et ça m'éteint...Faut que j'essaie de trouver la lumière au bout du tunnel!
This image really represents the state of my studio and of my spirit as well. Cleaning this space I find all sorts of things that I had projects for...wow do I accumulate!
Once my idea found, I am not sure of its value so i forget about it. I should not. Some times i am weak, no courage, no pizzazz!
Looking at Etsy, i do find many great ideas. This is a lift up or can also be the opposite. I need to find my thing! My light at the end of the tunnel......
2 commentaires:
Bonjour Dominique!
I find the same problem. I want to write, but reading is a double-edged sword, I learn new ways to write things, but other times I feel discouraged and think, "this is so good! I'll never be able to write like that." What's worse, when I really want to write, I haven't got a maudite idee in my head. They eventually come, but usually when I'm cycling on my way to work. Heather
I guess you have a little black book in your bag!!!!
thank s again!
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